Saturday, March 5, 2011

On a personal note

On a personal note (no Alaska news):

I accidentally dropped off the Personal Note entry that I did, so here is an updated version—with pictures!

Our daughter, Katrina, recently received her mission call. She is going to Ireland/Scotland, and reports to the England MTC (Missionary Training Center) on June 24th.

So Jeff and Katie are going to be serving missions at the same time! Jeff is heading to Mexico City East mission. They will get back within a couple of weeks of each other—unless one of them manages to pull the same stunt Rachelle did, and get multiple extensions.

When Katrina opened her mission call, Keri and Taco and I watched via Skype from Alakanuk, Alaska. But my sister, Rachel, just sent me some pictures of the event, and I just have to share.

This is Katie and my mom holder her just-arrived mission call.

Here is Katrina reading her call. Keri and Taco and I are watching on Skype (the computer on Rachelle's lap) and listening via the phone (Chris is holding it up). Katie was so excited, she started to squeal, and it took a bit before we could actually hear where she is going.

My parents have a world map, and everyone in the family who has served a mission has their name pinned in where their mission is. Katie is about to pin her name up in Ireland/Scotland area. She is so excited, she can’t stand it!

It pains my heart that we weren't able to be there. There were about 15-20 people there when she opened it—grandma, aunts, uncles, cousins, and siblings. A lot of family support. It seems like everyone was there but us. But at least we’ve got Skype and digital photography. Modern technology is amazing.

And yup--life is looking good. Even if we have to watch from a distance for now.

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