Thursday, March 4, 2010

You Want to Know Cold? I'll Tell You Cold!

We live in the bush of Alaska, just below the Arctic Circle, and our furnace broke this morning. It’s getting cold fast. I just broke a chunk of ice off of the inside furnace room. I’d go to a movie or the mall to warm up, but there isn’t one. And even if there was, it would require travelling in the open on the back of a snow machine.
So next time you scrape snow off a windshield and climb into a not-yet warm car, just be glad it’s enclosed. And meanwhile, enjoy your heat!
Sorry—I’m looking really hard, but I just can’t find the humor in this one. I think it’s been frozen out of me.
(By the way—I can tell you most positively that Hell has nothing to do with fire and brimstone, and everything to do with ice. Come visit sometime and I’ll give you a sneak preview.)
Gotta go put on a second layer of socks.


  1. I just looked at your weather forecast and it doesn't look promising. Ahh! I hope someone will taking care of that furnace soon. Does the repair man have to fly in, too?

  2. Oh No! So sorry! Love, Hugs and Warm thoughts being sent your way!
